Time to end this farcical political witch-hunt

As a longtime resident of the Liverpool Local Government Area, I am compelled to speak out against the NSW Government’s plans to suspend Liverpool Council. 

This is nothing more than a politically motivated witch hunt by the Labor Party against our Mayor, Ned Mannoun, a Liberal who has always been a thorn in their side.

It’s no secret that the Labor Party has had it in for Mannoun for years. 

They can’t stand that a Liberal has been doing a great job leading our community. 

Now, less than two months before the next Council election, they’re threatening to suspend the entire Council! 

This is a blatant attempt to undermine the democratic process and remove a Mayor who has been effective and dedicated to his constituents.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese was a special guest of Mannoun when the new Liverpool Council Chambers were opened in April. 

On that occasion, I seem to recall Mannoun asking Albanese to join him in showing support for Palestine. 

Albanese has previously praised Mannoun for his excellent work as Mayor. 

Now, suddenly, the Council is facing suspension. 

The timing is suspicious, to say the least, remembering though that it is the Minns government and not the

Albanese government which has the power to suspend the Council.

Same horse, different jockey!

ABC News reports that Liverpool Council has been given a week to prove why it should not be suspended after an investigation found “widespread and serious concerns about dysfunction” within the Council. 

Local Government Minister Ron Hoenig announced a public inquiry following allegations of maladministration. 

Minister Ron Hoenig needs to put up or shut up!

The investigation into the Council’s recruitment and procurement processes, which began in April, identified additional areas of concern. 

Hoenig claims there’s a strong likelihood of more issues affecting the Council’s operations, necessitating government intervention.

However, it’s clear to me that this is more about politics than governance. 

The allegations include “direct interference from the Mayor and Councillors in the assessment of development applications and other compliance and regulatory activities.” 
But this so-called evidence seems flimsy at best. 

Hoenig said it was within his discretion to suspend the Council immediately but chose to give them an opportunity to be heard due to the serious repercussions of suspending a Council. 

This pretend act of fairness doesn’t hide the fact that this is a strategic move to destabilise Mannoun’s leadership.

In any case, I have the feeling that it is Premier Chris Minns who has ‘loaded the gun’, and Minister Hoenig is just  ‘firing the bullets’ for him.

Politics has never been my strong suit, and I’ve always taken people as they come.

If you put a gun to my head, I would tell you that I’ve always favoured Labor over Liberal. 
However, given the way both major parties have been behaving about Gaza since October 7, 2023, I might never vote again. 

Albanese is terrified of upsetting the Zionists, while Federal Opposition Leader Peter Dutton and NSW Premier Chris Minns have this almost sycophantic love for Israel. 

NSW Opposition Leader Mark Speakman, despite his name, has done his best to avoid speaking about the matter..

Albanese’s treatment of Labor Senator Fatima Payman has been disgraceful, punishing her like a schoolgirl despite her adherence to Labor’s election promise to recognise Palestine…..the only Labor politician in Canberra who DID NOT LIE.

Full marks to Canterbury-Bankstown Council who have shown solidarity by raising the Palestinian flag when most other Councils in Australia have lacked the guts to stand firm.

But one other Council that HAS shown heart is Liverpool. 

Mannoun has been outspoken in his support of Gaza, along with his wife, State Liberal MP Tina Ayyad, who is at odds with Premier Minns. 

Ned Mannoun with wife Tina Aytad

For his part, Mannoun has denied any wrongdoing in Labor’s latest witch hunt. 
On social media, he recently shared a story about the Labor Party’s relentless attacks on him and his family, comparing it to previous unfounded accusations cleared by ICAC.

Mannoun rightly points out that the Labor Party hates losing control. 

They’ve controlled Liverpool Council for 100 years, except for when Mannoun was elected in 2012 and again in the past two years. 

They despise being held accountable and can’t stand someone fighting for the people, especially a Liberal Mayor. 

And as I said earlier, Labor’s latest move is not just about Mannoun but also a chance to target his wife.
As a resident of Liverpool LGA, I’ve always found Ned Mannoun to be a good man, despite my usual political leanings. 

He loves Liverpool and its residents and is passionate about the future of western Sydney. 
With the new International Airport set to open in 2026, Mannoun is constantly advocating for local job opportunities and a better quality of life for our community.

For young people, especially those with migrant parents and grandparents like most of you reading this, to get the opportunities that your elders were never afforded.

Yours truly pictured with award-winning Mayor Ned Mannoun.

It’s time for the Labor Party to put up or shut up. 
Let Liverpool Council continue the great work they are doing instead of threatening suspension right before an election. 
This witch hunt needs to end now. 
Let the people of Liverpool decide who represents them, not the State or Federal Labor Party.